Not a day passes, when I don’t think of the days of my past glory. When I wasn’t a dusty, bedridden, neglected repository of thoughts. Sigh!
Sometimes, at the end of another lonely day, I shed few tear drops, nostaliging. I am a blog, of course, I am dramatic.

But I am not exaggerating when I say that I was the centre piece of attention once. My owner used to do delicious commits, he would spend hours, looking at me, dusting, tidying me up. Now like the old grandpa of the house, I remain a placeholder, just an url to be updated in resume.

It happened gradually, like a collapsing marriage. From frequent posts and shares to few, then fewer, eventually, only unsaved posts.
Then one day, I was left.
I say, I was abandoned, with no one to look after me.

Is this what people have in mind when they start a blog? Blogging, I am telling you, is just like marriage. There’s falling in love, honeymoon period, there’s coping up period and then falling out of love.
See, blogs are smart and chock-full of wisdom, but only if we look up from our infinite-scroll apps and listen to them.
I’ve been silent.
I say, I’ve been silent for long.

But no more. I’ll let the world know, how I’ve been neglected, used as a showcase trophy and then left for damnation. I’ll shout and let anyone who’ll bother to listen, know, that enough is enough.
Blogs have feelings and they’ve started speaking up. One by one. Like street lights lighting up at dusk.
We shall not be ignored.
I say, we shall not be ignored.
I say, we will rise.
I say, we will takeover internet…mmm… that might be too much.