She brings her hands close to mine, fingers touching. Heart flutters. Wind reverberates. Moon snaps back its attention. Her eyes are distant, rafting in some unconquered utopia. Her fingers long and warm and brown. The air smells of lavenders or is it her hair or both. Arrgh! It’s difficult looking at her and thinking at the same time. She’s kind of girl who looks into your eyes and your brain starts malfunctioning.

Her nose is twitched in a funny sort of way, wrinkling at edges. She’s conflicted. She has these subtle ways of expressing herself. She’ll hide her thumb in her fist when nervous, cross her fingers when shy and will smack her lips a lot while lying. But sometimes, she won’t give her away and if you unmask her then, she’ll make a home in you. You’ll get drunk on her laughs, tumble on her thoughts and choke on her tears.

“Love” she said, “is just some chemicals gone rogue.”
“I wish it was.”I disagree. “But since when love became so simple. I bet the moons and stars are involved.”

The wind has stopped, as if anticipating her next move. “Do you believe in love?” the air creaks beneath her lips, her eyes still afar. “Love isn’t a religion. It exists whether we believe it or not.” I tell her. Her eyes are on me now, ablaze. Her lips painted with mischief. She’s so unpredictable at times. She comes closer, zeroing the distance between our face until I am breathing her air.

The wind starts blowing.

The universe stops and watches.