“Pack up.” I was told.

I stood outside, hiding sunlight in the crevices of my skin. The wrinkles making a zigzag on my hands. I wondered if they are accounts of a person’s life in some crazy language. My thoughts dissolved as the clock inside chimed in.

“Goodbye Doggo!”I patted on its back, and was replied by a wagging tail and unceremonious licking of my face. I wondered whom it’ll forget first - me or the cookie I used to save for it daily.

The phone calls took more than twenty minutes. At my age, you could almost see the person cursing under their breath, making an effort not to slam the receiver down when you ask them to cancel the newspaper subscription.

I latched the door as I entered the bedroom. I caught her rolling her eyes, her mouth half open in a grin as if she was going to play a prank on me. ‘Candid’ they call it. I kissed her right on the forehead, leaving some dead-cells and saliva patches as souvenirs.

Picking up the card I scribbled “Thank you”.

“Time’s up!” God smiled as I handed Him the card.

Clock stopped ticking and I drifted into oblivion.