The girl on the other side of screen

You know, we aren’t friends. We are two kids, who accidently, are in love with the same toys. We are the same flavor cup of coffee destined for different lips. We are the accidents that happen in waiting rooms rather than on railway tracks.
You are my wardrobe of useless words.
You are my favourite 10pm routine.
You are my excuse to curse the clock.

When I stumbled upon you, I thought you were perfect like the rhythm of a cabaret dancer. With time unfolding, I found out that u too were human, a human with flaws. You have made mistakes, you have had your own share of heartbreaks and sometimes you have let people down, a chunk of you still struggles to stay sane. As this thing dawned upon me you felt a lot like me. Not everyone laughs at my jokes.

I am not writing this to impress you or to make you fall for me. I just wanted to let you know that not every road we take has demons beneath it. Not everyone falls for people, some have this bad habit of falling for ideas.

I don’t want you to reply this letter by thanking me or by your disarming smile. I would love if you write me back. Just write. Write about anything, write about your guy, write about the chaos in your head, write about the pillow you hug tightly at midnight or write about the eyeliner which looks beautiful on you (shouldn’t it be the other way round). For some time from now, When I would revisit the aisles of my thoughts, picking up the lovely memories, dusting them, I want my head to brim up with those soft memories of persuading someone to do something good. I just want to leave a part of me to you as a token.
