“Two months of holidays at last.” she patted gleefully on my back. “It is going to be…” she paused, tilted her head sideways and forced herself in my eyes.

“You aren’t happy. I can see it?”

“I never knew you had telepathic abilities.” I grinned.

“Let’s say, I could read people.”

“Am I an interesting read?”

“You can’t be more boring.” she rolled her eyes.

“I know I am easily inflicted by people around me.” I chuckled.

“Hey, we aren’t together most of the time.” she punched my arms.

“Now I strongly doubt that you can read me.”

“Am I a regular visitor in your thoughts?”

“Don’t ask! You are a permanent resident.”

“But I have been a vagabond for quite a while.”she smiled.

“That’s great, then we could wander in each others’ thoughts.”

“I would call the last sentence over-thinking.”

“I would call it…” I rummaged around for words.

“Love.” she purred softly, like it was the only noise universe managed to make. Her eyes calm like the eye of a hurricane. Now I know, why tornados are named after humans. How easy it was to fall for her! again and again.

“Two months of holidays at last.” I smiled wide this time.